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Additional Services

Client social media accounts

Social Media

Organizations exist to connect people of like mind or interest with one another. This connection can happen at conferences and meet-ups, through published pieces and media. The AMI Team enables organizations to reach out, drive value and build loyalty and awareness among members while cultivating new members through a variety of social media channels. Connect & Engage is a comprehensive social media and integrated marketing solution designed to improve loyalty and build engagement.

Powerful Computer

System Migration Services

The AMI Team successfully migrated over 32 databases into 10 various online member management system. While many of our clients use the Wild Apricot system, we have the expertise and know-how to implement any system.

Image by freestocks

New Organization Set Up

The AMI Team is a partner in the development of new organizations from drafting bylaws to branding, and from website development to organizational infrastructure. Working with legal and financial professionals, we bring your ideas to life.


Organizational Structure


  • Draft Bylaws

  • Coordinate Required Documentation

  • Establish Financial Accounts

  • Secure Required Insurance

  • Maintain Minutes and Corporate Resolutions

  • Develop Dues Structure

  • Member Profile/Demographic Development & Database


Branding & Marketing


  • Logo Creation

  • Letterhead & Branded Materials

  • Newsletters & Email Marketing

  • Social Media Management

  • Member & Sponsor Promotion

  • Event Planning & Management


Website Development


  • Website Presence & Domain Registration

  • Website Development

  • Online Member Application & Profile Management

  • Online Subscription

  • Online Event Registration & Financial Integration

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